Skylar Astra

Hi Humans~ It's me, ya' Demon~πŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ’«

Skylar Astra, yeah that's my name, and you humans better know it well. Ejem, my goal on Earth is to achieve World Am I not allowed to say that? Meh~ Boring~
Well, since I'm being censored I will say what they want. My goal here is to study and learn about humans but since I got bored I decided to use a...better and practical way~ STREAMING! Yes! Humans really love to look at streams! And I would be doing my job without stressing about it ehe~ πŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ’«


Oh~ Hi~ Didn't you have enough with the long story at the entrance?
I see~ You're a greedy one~ I like it. Well I will allow some questions my lovely creature~ You may ask~


Mmhh~ I'm almost out of ideas here~ If you want to know the majority of my interests here you can check what you could ask me during streams and on Twitter πŸ’«πŸ’™πŸ’œ

In Twitch

  • Rhythm games

  • World exploration games


  • Indie games

  • Tea/Coffee time

  • Food time

In Twitter

  • Artists/fanarts

  • Cute PokΓ©mons

  • BL (yes... in general)

  • Cats (fluffy things)

  • Nijisanji EN


I've only recently arrived in the human world. One, two months have passed since I've been here? Wow... it feels like so much less time has passed. Hehe... Poor creatures, I feel so bad for them believing they have a loooong life with those scant almost 100 years they have to exist. Good thing they will have me to guide their sad, sinful souls to hell, they should feel lucky for that.

Ok ok, enough of that, Long story short my lovely creatures: My father, one of the crowned princes of the underworld, part of the evil trinity along with Lucifer and Beelzebub (my uncles, by the way), the Grand Duke, Astaroth Astra, saw in me, his eldest son, Skylar Astra, the necessary potential to begin my preparation with the goal of succeeding him at last when he decides to leave the throne. What a great honor, how proud to have the approval of the magnanimous Astaroth! Even if he is my father, my adoration and respect for him only grow millennium after millennium. I was and still am willing to follow all his directions in order to rule on earth as well as in hell when the time comes. Although... something still strikes me as a little strange... WHY SHOULD I GIVE UP ALL MY POWERS AND PRIVILEGES IN ORDER TO INTERACT WITH HUMANS?! I feel like a lower level demon having to do something like this. It feels like a punishment because Im so lazy in hell! He only allowed me to take on a single guise that would serve me to mingle among the humans and thus discover their weaknesses, the things that seduce them and the things they sin for. But what would I know about what those things like!!!! Damn... IT'S TOO FRUSTRATING!

My only "relief", so to speak, was that my father assigned me a guide, someone, or, rather, something that would stay by my side throughout my apprenticeship, a sort of strange cat, an earthly spirit, Fuyu he calls himself. In fact, it was his idea for me to take on this appearance.

-"Humans are weak to adorable children or small, furry animals, try it, I guarantee you will see how they will fall for you."

I don't know if he was making fun of me or what, but following his advice was the only thing I could do, and the worst thing is that..... He was right, I was even able to find a comfortable place to live.

To this day I have learned some basic things, and to be honest, these sweet and lovely human beings are capable of creating some pretty entertaining stuff. Maybe I'm just getting too used to being here. However, this has only just begun, and I must not get sidetracked from my goal. For more delicious food, fun games... entertaining animes... such yummy treats... such cute toys.... WAIT! CONCENTRATE!! THAT'S NOT THE POINT!... Ahem... I must not get distracted, experiencing all this brings me closer to mastering their minds.

Right now I starting to check and start something called "streaming", another strange idea from that cat, who to tell the truth turns out to be a good lackey to my surprise.

-"Trust me, the more people see you, the more devotees you'll have. That's what you want, isn't it? The streamings will make you known all over the world if you do it right."

It really doesn't sound bad at all, we'll see how this idea turns out... but.... HOW THE FUCK SHOULD I DO ALL THIS? I'M NOT EVEN CLOSE TO UNDERSTAND THIS STRANGE THING!!!! Computer was it called? FUYU, COME HERE AND HELP ME!!!!

Body Details

Why are you asking for my physical details!? Are you going to draw me!? Or did you came here looking for something else??πŸ‘€πŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ’« Well, either, I'm not judging~

  • Height: 163cm without the horns~

  • Weight: 119 pounds

  • Piercings: One on left ear and 2 more~ but thats secret πŸ‘€

  • Makeup: Yes, sure

  • Body type: Slim

  • Age: Ayo~~ thats secret~ but I'm probably older than you~


  • Shapeshifter (disabled while in the human world)(Fuck u dad☹️)


If you want to see me more You can check my Twitch and my Twitter. Remember to love me on any of them πŸ’«πŸ’™πŸ’œ